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Workflow Automation

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Along with smart and effective services, Quadric comes within the cost-effective plans owing to its distinct SaaS and Enterprise solutions which allows it to keep it under a reasonable price.




Per month when billed annually
or 0 month to month

0 Web User

0 Mobile Users

0 GB Database Storage

0 GB Media Storage

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Per month when billed annually
or 0 month to month

0 Web User

0 Mobile Users

0 GB Database Storage

0 GB Media Storage

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Per month when billed annually
or 0 month to month

0 Web User

0 Mobile Users

0 GB Database Storage

0 GB Media Storage

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Find the Suitable Plan for Your Business

The below feature matrix allows you to compare the license edition so that you can select your preferred plan as per the demand of your requirement and find the perfect match that suits your purpose.

Form Essential Standard Professional
Form Editor

Various kind of geo-tagged forms are built with the help of dedicated inbuilt controls including text box, checkbox, date time picker, radio button and many more.

Data Exchange

External bulk data can be easily uploaded into the system while data can be exposed through web API in a reliable way.

Data Analysis

Depending on various form parameters, logical conditions and smart operators, robust dynamic queries are built for thorough analysis.

Data Comparison

In a detailed view mode, precise data comparison can be done on two or more records of the form data at the same time.

Graph Analysis

Based on survey data or MIS data, line, line area and bar graph can be plotted easily or compared between two different MIS forms.

Report Builder

Compelling report designing can be achieved from geo-tagged forms’ data, layered forms’ data, geo-tagged layered forms’ data and many more.


Experience prompt and easy notifications of latest news updates as well as news from preceding time from the organisation.

Quadric Client Essential Standard Professional
Data Capture

Along with collection of text-based, barcode and QR code information, live videos and images can be uploaded with geo-tagging features.

Location Tracking

Real-time tracking of app users at work location to provide on-spot decisions by the management for work enhancement.

Task Reporting

The different activities of a specific task, status updates and message interactions are reported to the management seamlessly.

Location Survey

Along with location information, the point or area of the location can also be acquired which is essential for extensive spatial analysis.

Offline Mode

Experience seamless connectivity with the usage of this app which is fully functional even when it is used in offline mode.


With regular notifications about new tasks, forms and news, detailed device performance and volume of offline data stored can be acquired.


Experience prompt and easy notifications of latest news updates as well as news from preceding time from the organisation.

Workflow Essential Standard Professional
Workflow Editor

Enabling multiple dynamic actions that can be combined and arranged in such a way that serves a specific process flow of any organisation.

Action Settings

Depending on the settings, specific users get the access of actions and on the basis of action status which email will be triggered.

Data Analysis/h5>

Dynamic query building is utilized in a prompt manner for workflow data mining, which also allows for convenient data management.

Action Manager

For any workflow, the user can get corresponding form data, receive the previous user’s action feedback and perform his own action.

Graph Analysis

Based on a particular workflow form data, the graphical analysis can be done and with the actions, the filtering process is carried out.

Report Builder

Experience smart report generation with form data and action data of a particular workflow along with custom styling and logical filters.


Experience prompt and easy notifications of latest news updates as well as news from preceding time from the organisation.

Map Essential Standard Professional
Spatial Analysis

Providing an array of analysis that ranges from heat-map to thematic analysis, ring analysis, custom filters, feature information and many more.

Spatial Tools

A diverse range of tools that include styling, drawing, measurement, buffer, navigation, reverse geocoding, printing, zoom-in and panning tools.

Spatial Editor

Focusing on existing and new layer for smart editing, the spatial editor can easily work on polygon or point feature.

Data Exchange

Seamless exchange of spatial data can be ensured where the layer data is either imported or exported from the system with the help of shape file.

Graph Analysis

Varied range of graph analysis such as layer data, survey data and MIS data analysis with the help of different filters like region, layer, form and date filter.

Report Builder

Real-time report designing and custom styling is ensured with logical filters on layer data, survey data, MIS data and summary data.


Experience prompt and easy notifications of latest news updates as well as news from preceding time from the organisation.

Task Essential Standard Professional
Task Editor

Providing a smart task calendar and a dedicated task pool which consists of readymade tasks for assigning regular tasks to the users.

Location Tracker

Real-time tracking of executives’ location before assigning of a specific task to ensure feasibility and promptness of the work.

User Performance

Focusing on the evaluation of the executives’ performance, the feature keeps a check on every executive’s assignment accomplishment.

Task Filters

The combination of user, status and date filters enable the filtering of a particular set of records from a diverse range of task data.

Graph Analysis

By assigning a particular task to a number of executives, the management can monitor the overall results with the help of graphical analysis.

Report Builder

Creating robust and accurate reports that depend on assigned tasks and status updates, this feature helps in evaluating user performance.


Experience prompt and easy notifications of latest news updates as well as news from preceding time from the organisation.

Tracking Essential Standard Professional
User Tracking

Activities of users can be tracked from real-time and past data that would give a clear idea of their movements during a particular period.

Activity Monitoring

Along with live tracking of users, the management can also monitor the forms posted and get status updates of different tasks.

Geo-fence Editor

This virtual fencing boundary allows for specific regions to be marked that can be uniquely identified by colourful themes.

Fencing Tracking

Real-time monitoring of the current locations of field level executives who are either working in the particular geo-fence or have logged out.

Graph Analysis

The graph analysis thoroughly focuses on either individual user’s tracking data or fencing data with the help of date filter.

Report Builder

Smart report designing can be achieved from individual user’s tracking data and fencing data with custom styling and logical filters.


Experience prompt and easy notifications of latest news updates as well as news from preceding time from the organisation.

Admin Essential Standard Professional
Web Manager

Administrator enables the creation of web user accounts, manages the role permissions and effortlessly activates user accounts.

Mobile Manager

By creating mobile user accounts, the administrator is also able to manage role permissions and easily activate user accounts.

Profile Manager

Available for both mobile and web users, the profile assignment ensures an easy access of one or more forms of the particular profile.

Current Status

Administrator can get the current update of offline data stored in local storage of the mobile app and immediately inform them to sync it.

Report Feedback

By issuing reports, any user can inform the administration readily that will get instant solutions and will allow for prompt feedback.

Report Builder

With the help of custom query, complex reports can be generated which can be furthermore shared with different module users.

New Publisher

Easy broadcasting of message with personalized styling features that can be distributed across the organisation seamlessly.

Resources Essential Standard Professional
Web Users

The web platform of Quadric can be accessed and utilized by the active web users as per their subscription plans.

10 20 30
Mobile Users

The active mobile users can access and make use of the mobile platform of Quadric, depending on their subscription plans.

20 30 40
Database Storage

Specific amount of database storage is allotted as per the subscription plan for storing of organisational digital data.

10 GB 15 GB 20 GB
Media Storage

As per the subscription plans, media storage is allotted for storing files, images, audios and videos associated with digital data.

15 GB 20 GB 30 GB

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Quadric Client Mobile App
Quadric Client Mobile App

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Worried about setting up your apps? No worries. Once you subscribe to Quadric, our experts will help you to set up your apps, forms, workflows, maps, data collection and much more in the most hassle-free manner. Gear up & take your business to the next level.

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